Technology information

Chip Material Group Symbols In Mechanical Processing

In the industry, the use of metal, alloy and non-metallic materials used to make life devices is very diverse. Each material has its own unique characteristics aimed at mechanical manufacturing. Metalworking is a common term in the mechanical engineering industry, used to describe all operations [...]

Post Date: 27 August, 2021

What is the JIGS, the role of the JIG in machining?

Talking about mechanics is talking about machining, machines and methods to process a part, a part. In order to solve the problems of precision mechanical processing that we all have to pay attention to is the ability and the important role in the formation [...]

Post Date: 22 August, 2021

How to read Japanese mechanical drawings (JIS)

Not everyone can understand deeply and read Japanese mechanical drawings properly. So how to read the drawing properly? Let’s learn with me how to read Japanese mechanical drawings in the article below. What is the JIS standard? JIS Standard (English:  Japanese Industrial Standards) is a Japanese [...]

Overview of the working principle of CNC machines

To understand the working principle of a CNC machine, you need to understand the structure of the machine. To understand thoroughly, it is relatively time consuming, so you have to break it down to grasp, first is the overall structure of the CNC machine, [...]

Post Date: 12 July, 2021

Overview of jigs – classification structure and effects of jigs

What is jigs? Jigs are indispensable equipment in the process of precision mechanical processing. The Jigs helps to fix the product for assembly, inspection, welding, … products. In addition, it helps to determine the position of the workpiece relative to the cutting tools to keep [...]

Top 10 industrial robot manufacturing companies in the world

Below is a list of the world’s industrial robot manufacturing companies, let’s guess with IDEA which is the leading country! Company No. 1: Yaskawa (Japan) Japanese electromechanical company. Strong in welding and assembly robots in the automotive industry. Total number of Robots sold: more [...]

Why should you purchase an AGV system?

Using AGVs in warehouses has taken off in the last few years. This can be explained by the fact that AGVs allow you to improve the efficiency of equipment handling and in this way increase productivity gains. Advantages of an AGV system include: Optimal operation 24/7: As they don’t [...]

Post Date: 15 October, 2020

6 Future Transportation Technologies That Will Change Transportation (and the Trucking Industry) Forever

Modern transportation is currently experiencing major changes thanks to transformative transportation technologies. Although we’ve become accustomed to long international flights, jam-packed public transportation and diesel trucks that only get 20 mpg, the future of transportation promises to change all of that and much more [...]

Post Date: 26 September, 2020

Meet Fluffy and Spot: Ford’s New Four-Legged Robots

DEARBORN, MI—Ford Motor Co. has welcomed two new employees to its Van Dyke Transmission Plant in Sterling Heights, MI. Named Fluffy and Spot, they have four legs, and they can sit, shake hands, roll over and climb stairs. They are not dogs, however. They are [...]

Post Date: 4 September, 2020

HTV7 reported on Transport Robot manufactured by IDEA for industrial and medical applications

On the morning of May 30 2020, IDEA Technology Joint Stock Company is honored to be the main guest in the show “Resilience – Innovation and Entrepreneurship”was screened on HTV7 television. The content of the show revolved around the application of AGV robots (automatic [...]

Post Date: 2 June, 2020